Monday, 22 February 2016

Leaving you to it


Twas a day on the levels again with duel rolls of and this one. Not a great day so while James did the birdy stuff I did the was all with the Takumar 135mm f2. 5 this is a very very nice lense. Absolutely sharp as a knife even wide open. Get one if you can. They aren't too expensive considering.

 Starlings over Tealham Moore

Now I've always taken a sideways look at the bogs of Westhay. If you look at them they have a wonderful dark, earthy, rich reflective look about them. Unfortunately when ever I've tried to capture that feel I've ended up with pictures of, well, a bog! Hopefully I'm getting somewhere with these?

I would write more but I'm on my tablet in Yorkshire and it's not playing ball. Frankly readers I'm peed off with the thing so I'll shut up and leave you to it. A bit like I left James to it with the birdy stuff. And on that note I've just got the title for the blog!

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